
D4GX Analytical Tool

An APP for Dual Parties

Handy analytical tool for all

About D4GX
Since 2014, Bloomberg has hosted a yearly conference on applications of data science to problems related to the social good called the Data for Good Exchange. This forum has enabled participants from academia, industry, government and NGOs to share insights and progress on applying modern machine learning and data science methods to problems in public and non-profit sectors.

The organizers of D4GX want to provide attendees a fully immersive and highly interactive onsite experience during the event, which allow people to social and exchange their good ideas about data. For organizers, they are tired of collecting questionnaires and looking for a better solution that helps rendering event success measurement. Stakeholders hope this product can benefit both attendees and organizers.

Using Soma device to measure blood pressure
Gideon Mann     Head of Data Science@Bloomberg, co-organizer of D4GX
" The most important thing is for people to talk and build relationship. "
The host of this activity hope the APP can comply to these principles:
•  Sync to display the current chart and data from the current presenter on stage
•  Allow users to play with the data that is being presented on stage, share works to other attendees, comment, friend and discuss with other attendees
•  Must leverage the crowd and build relationships
•  A mobile dashboard that tracks onsite activities (for organizers)

Main challenges I've encountered in this project:
•  Designed for small screens
•  Social features for introvert users
•  Help attendees to build post-event connections
•  Visualize event success for organizers

Things need to consider and design for in this project
Sample paper used in proceedings
(paper author: Yuan Lai, Constantine E.Kontokosta, PhD)
The real user scenario of D4GX conference
User Scenario
User persona: Attendee Allison
Competitors' products analysis
User persona: Attendee Allison
Competitors' products analysis
Research & Testing
I did research on tools and social apps our potential users stick to. For analytical tools, Excel wins most favors in people has basic data analytics background, and more advanced users would like to code by themselves and use tools such as Tableau or R studios to render visualizations in higher quality. In order to provide seamless mobile analytical experience, I also refer to Numbers and Meitu, two products that have powerful interactive tools on mobile that allow users to create and edit.

The sketches of V1.0 design were tested by some college students who have data analytics background. I found out that some features and elements were even confusing for them. Based on these take aways, we revised the design.

Peer study mood board
Full user testing
This product aims to help users share their works and thoughts throughout the entire event, so making sure data is flowing fluently within the APP is our first priority when designing the information architecture.

This product aims to help users share their works and thoughts throughout the entire event, so making sure data is flowing fluently within the APP is our first priority when designing the information architecture.

I used #FFBC50 Golden Tainoi as the primary color and #1C223F Midnight Express as secondary color. Poppins is the main font I picked for this APP, because it's modern, simple, and bold.

2 different user flows for attendees and organizers
Product wireframe
UI elements system